6pm-9pm - Magic: Casual Commander Night |
Magic: Casual Commander Night - $5
NEW! - Casual Commander Every Monday at Metro Entertainment! First round-winners in each pod get free Commander entry voucher! For more information on how to play Commander, click here for the official rules. |
6pm - Friday Night Magic *Commander* |
6pm - Friday Night Magic *Commander* ($5) NEW! Metro now hosts this unique standard events; Open to all players and running in thousands of stores across the globe each Friday night, "FNM" is a chance to catch up with your friends, make new ones and of course, play some Magic! Metro will be hosting a Commander style tournament; For more info, check here for this global event! |
12pm-12:30pm - Magic: the Gathering Lesson 12:30pm-1pm - Pokémon Lesson 1pm - Pokémon League 2pm - Intro to Dungeons and Dragons 5pm - Dungeon & Dragons Night |
MTG Lesson - FREE!
Come learn Magic: the Gathering with Metro's local expert! Bring your own cards or borrow a deck from the store to learn how to play this game os strategy and sorcery... Pokémon Lesson - FREE!
Places are limited for this one-on-one class with Metro's resident Poké-Expert; bring in your cards to learn how they work in the global sensation card game for young and old alike. 1pm - Pokémon League ($5)
NEW - Trainers! Get ready to battle in store for Metro's Pokémon League! Bring your best deck and pit your Pokémon against other local trainers in your area for fun and excitement; Click here to learn more about the Pokémon League and come join us at the store! 2pm - Introduction to Dungeons and Dragons ($15)
Learn the the longest running role-playing game, Dungeons and Dragons! Starting from absolute zero to old hands who need a quick refresher, Dungeon Masters on hand will help you through character creation, answer any questions, and ru n you through a quick adventure! 5pm - Dungeons & Dragons Night ($15)
Welcome Adventurers! Join us at Metro for a social evening of darring-do and epic tales! Looking for a group? Meet new players! Need a game to join? We'll have a Dungeon Master on hand to run adventures for you and friends or just ask your burning questions to so you can bring your own games to life!/p> |
11:30am - Yu-Gi-Oh
3pm - Magic the Gathering 3-Pack Booster Draft |
11:30 - Yu-Gi-Oh Tournament ($10) Our tournament is Swiss-style and uses the Limited & Forbidden List. Bring in your best deck and battle!
3pm - Magic Booster Draft $15
Join long time Magic the Gathering fans and new players alike Sunday afternoons for a 3 Pack Draft Swiss style tournament. For detailed information on the draft tournament format, click here! |